behind on updates, busier than ever!
Hello All,
Sorry for such a delay. Generally after our whitetail season i have much more free time to kick back and update the website etc, however with us beginning our thermal hog hunts as soon as season ends, its kept me quite busy!
Our 2021 season recap we had to cancel roughly half our season due to storms which included several direct hit tornados and high winds knocking many stands down and were unable to operate the month of October. Fortunately we were able to rebound and make a season of it capping off some nice rifle and late season archery bucks! We also harvested a stud 6x6 bull elk and an awesome 8x6 cull bull that had a rack shaped more like a whitetail than going way back like an elk normally does. Overall it was a tough season with storms and excessive heat waves and had our lowest deer harvest percentage at 64%, had a lot of misses however that would probably make it to 75% or so if people would have connected, it happens.
We are currently at the start of our 2022 season. We started off the first two weeks preparing for our elk hunter who arrived and harvested a nice 6x6 stud bull on the first evening of the hunt! Following that on the 3rd weekend of October we had our two youth deer hunters that arrived and both killed great deer, a big 8 pt and a super heavy 10pt! Both of them were ecstatic to say the least and were as always, a pleasure to have! Since then we have had 2 archery hunters, one of which killed a nice double main beam buck and the other unfortunately made a bad shot on a nice deer, hit in no mans land. We did our due dilligence and trailed the deer for miles until we lost blood and had to call it. Our muzzle season had several days of high winds and lots of rain, and 2 day of perfection where many shot opps as well as many bucks killed! We have had 2 weeks of down time to fill feeders, scout and prepare for rifle season and about to kick that off soon! Hope everyone is doing well and look forward to having you hunt with us!
-Brett - 11-10-2022

Busiest Off Season Ever, Ready to kick off deer and elk season!!!
Sept 5, 2021
Forgive me as i have been slacking on website updates and news, figured better to keep up with all the wildlife management first rather than website news! We are kicking off the 2021 deer & elk season at our new ranch featured as our primary hunting location. Unfortunately due to covid and our former new lodge architect, our "new lodge" is still yet to be finished due to the architect taking up front money and moving to another state and completely abandoning the job, unreal i know! We are currently in process of finding a new one to pick up mid construction so what I have done is went and bought a manufactured home as a temp lodge for our south central location and only hunting our older lodge in the southwest region whenever it is slow here! All is ready, things are looking good. Deer feeder activity as always this time of the year when we have had an abudance of rainfall and sunshine is minimal as the deer have little need to come to supplemental sources when our bean, alfalfa, and wheat fields keep them plenty full! We have been out scouting the fields nearly every morning and evenings however and have seen a lot of shooter bucks and several shooter bulls! We are looking forward to seeing new and existing faces this season!

2020 deer season summary!
2020 deer season like all other years was a success yet again averaging over 150'' of average scored deer! It started quite tough with the entire month of October averaging in the 90's as well as several full moons during the month! A couple rougher than normal hunts this season did have us quite frustrated, however our guys hunted hard and made the best of it as well as understood we can't control the hot temps and high winds. We managed to also harvest a stud 7x6 bull elk that scored 332'' this season as well! This season we took 53 people and killed 38 bucks. We did set a record of missed shots this year with 14 missed shots this year by guys and 2 wounded deer. Of the 14 missed shots 5 of them ended up with another opportunity and made it count and killed. 43 of our 53 guys got shots on deer. We killed 3 over 180'' with the largest scoring 196 and change. We killed 6 bucks over 175'' gross. All in all, pretty solid season. Now time for some thermal hunting and then some turkey season!

A Month Away from 2020 whitetail season!
touching base on several topics as I have been so busy working on new property we purchased as well as in the process of building a new lodge AND just started guiding free range ELK hunts, so my field news has been slacking throughout this year!
I'm sure we can all agree that we can just flush 2020 down the drain so far as it has been the weirdest year we have ever seen! Hopefully 2020 deer season gets everyone back on track and gives us a positive look on the fastly approaching 2021!
Thermal hunt recap:
we did some thermal group hunts after deer season starting end of january and halting in march due to covid-19, in that short amount of time we managed to kill over 1200 hogs and have a great time with every group! We had two 10 year old girls come out with parents and shoot their first hogs ever as well as some military guys that knew how to shoot quite well with thermals and set a record with 83 hogs killed in one night! great times!
Upcoming Deer Season:
It is hot right now, tons of vegetation and water around so the deer are being more camera shy than normal as they haven't had to show up at our feeders near as much, that will soon change however! We have done a lot of our scouting at night with our thermals scanning fields and we have video'd a lot of very big and mature whitetail bucks! We opened up a new lodge and farm area where we purchased land and have a new hunting concession which allowed us to open up a few more spots this season and increase our acreage by another 6,000 acres roughly! Looking forward to another great season!

2019-2020 deer season report
2019-2020 season report
40 of 44 clients killed, 1 buck wounded
93% kill percentage
95% shot opportunity
14 bucks killed 155''-191.25''
15 bucks killed 140''-154''
all other deer in the 130''- 140'' class
Great season with a lot of great clients and deer! With 9 of our top 15 hit list bucks still alive, we are looking forward to seeing them drop in 2020 season as those 9 will be well over 180'' and many more stud bucks we have seen around after the season ended! Now unto hog and predator hunts!!
-Brett date: 1-30-2020

Mid Season Report
We only thought that last season would be tough to beat, and now halfway through our deer season we have a 100% shot opportunity and 18 of 19 clients have killed! The one that did not killed, passed a 145” 10pt with a bow, his choice; however we provided a shot at a 140+. This season as good as it looks on paper, hasn’t been easy. We have had I believe 4 guys that killed bucks on their last day of hunting, but we still managed to get it done. Our largest buck of the season so far is gross 191” and we have killed 6 bucks over 160, six more bucks in the 149-159” range, so far a great season!
With rifle season coming up this weekend it has all of us here at WOTO nervous as can be as the rut is already a week in and bucks are running hard all over. The first week of rifle should still be great, however mid second week will be the lull where the bucks that have bred will shut down completely and lay down to rest with their doe, the slowest movement that will happen throughout the season for 4-5 days. During this time we will have to drive a lot of country searching for bucks in the thickets to see if we can get clients shots at bedded bucks!
Stay tuned for rifle season results, we have a few spots still open for rifle 2020 and archery 2020, don’t miss out!

Only a Month Away!!!
Exactly one month away and we will be chasing big bucks! We finished planting plots, have had several great rain storms to help them grow, and now we scout and wait until our clients arrive! I have been very impressed so far this offseason with the amount of big bucks that are showing up on camera this early. Hopefully we can start this season off right just like last years season, with a couple booners in the books!
HOGS!!! One thing is certain so far, the hogs are all over this year! As soon as deer season is over we will be hunting these guys like crazy, it's going to be intense, the thermal and day time hunts will be unlike any other! Just 3 days ago I was driving around at first light trying to get good pictures of bucks in our fields with my cameras and it quickly turned into a hog show as hundreds of hogs were running around everywhere! Roughly 2 hours of scouting in the morning and we saw over 300 of them, it was nuts!
Looking forward to those who are coming out to hunt with us this season and to those that aren't, send us an email and get your trip booked because this is something you will not want to be on the outside looking in on!!
- Brett Carden

2019 Whitetail deer season awaits
7/29/19- It's back, the busiest time of the year for us! Constantly prepping and trying to find, pattern, and learn more on the big bucks on our properties! We had an abundance of rainfall yet again this spring as well as throughout the summer here at WOTO and you know what that means, excellent antler growth/healthy deer! We put out our first trail cameras of the preseason so to speak in june and have not been disappointed as to what has showed up thus far. This very well could be our best season to come just based off of what we have been seeing on camera, as well as each morning and evening that we decide to go out scouting and taking pics of big bucks in the fields! We have some excellent clients it sounds like that are coming to hunt with us this season and still have a few spots left even for late arrivals! This season will definitely be one to remember I believe as we continously produce bigger and bigger bucks each year! Check out the few trail cam and field pics i uploaded and you will see why we are excited!
- Brett Carden

Hog & Turkey hunting coming up!
3/28/19- Hog hunting is in full swing with us here as we hunt with thermals, dogs, and good ole baited stand hunting! We have had more hogs around than ever this year it seems, and we have been taking full advantage of it as we killed 28 in one day & night last week! You know it has been a great season when after a few days, I sit down and can still smell a hint of soured corn and wild pigs!
Turkey season is here in just over a week and as most know that have been here before, that is my favorite thing to guide! I have been out scouting like crazy, sitting in my blinds with just a camera taking pics and videoing all the wild activity! If you want to see some great turkey footage and pictures, go check out our Instagram and Facebook page as it has all the day to day updated videos and pictures!
If I can ever answer any questions about any of our hunts, booking info, etc feel free to send me an email, or direct message on social media
- Brett Carden

2018 Deer Season Recap
Hi, Welcome to our New and Improved Website.
We had another very successful season here at WOTO! Below this paragraph I will have a breakdown of how the season went in our eyes, the number of clients, kills, wounded deer, and people who did not get a shot as well as whether just the nature of the beast of "hunting", a passed shooter and then nothing afterwards, if we messed something up, or if someone refused to listen. I lay it all on the line whether us or anyone, we are transparent which I believe helps both the outfitter and clients, or future clients all understand and communicate better when hunting and for all to know what to expect.
Firstly, we started the season off by opening week of archery putting a giant 17pt buck on the ground with a bow that ended up grossing just a hair over 187''! Lets just say that it set the bar high for the rest of the season and we kept killing mature deer the entire season, with exception of a few bucks that did get misjudged or it "happened so fast" that it was either take the shot or let it walk and a couple passed on, and a couple were shot. It happens to the best of us, no matter the experience level, buck fever/adrenaline can get to us!
We booked a total of 28 hunters throughout the season which included archery, muzzleloader, and rifle clients.
Archery season: We took 11 archery guys and we had 7 kills, 2 wounded bucks(one 10pt over 160'' and a solid 8pt that would have scored 135-140"). 2 did not kill; 1 of which was a very good and patient hunter and passed a few in the 130's because he saw a monster 170-180'' buck that was just out of range several days, and he decided to wait it out for that buck and never got a chance. The other hunter decided he would walk around after we dropped him off in his stand and try to spot and stalk even when we told him not to. We caught him out and about once, and reiterated that this will not work because he does not know the area, patterns, property borders etc. We didn't know until after he left and we pulled other cameras that he had been walking around every day and never listened...a method that will surely lower your chance on harvesting a mature animal with a bow.
Muzzleloader season: We took 5 guys during muzzle, and all 5 killed! The biggest of the season was killed and he had 14 scoreable points and grossed 191''. The next largest during muzzle was 153'' and the other 3 bucks killed were 134'', 144'' and 140". All respectable bucks and all 4yrs or better aside from 1 buck.
Rifle season: As always, rifle season had the highest number of clients booked with 12 rifle hunters for the 3 sets of 4 day hunts that we do. We killed 7 bucks, 2 guys wounded bucks, 2 regulars of ours that only shoot bucks over 160+ passed several shooter bucks ranging between 140-155" with one of them being a buck we saw later on that was regrettably passed on, with that being said they are 2 of the most disciplined and intelligent hunters we have had and they are booked with us for the 3rd straight season! 1 guy did not get a shot on a buck over 140'' and he being a regular and a very close friend now, I personally let it affect me and moved him from one side of a huge wheat field to another several different times playing cat and mouse with a big buck that we all saw several times but never within range. He wanted to move to other side as well, so it wasn't a forced move however after one move and the buck literally being within range of where we were the previous day, I should have made the decision to stick to the one spot and not move again...Instead I made the call to keep switching and shouldn't have. He is booking again this season, however I feel I made the mistake and let the pressure affect me and so I made the decision for him to come back not as a paying client, but on me as I know we would have killed the buck if I would have went with my initial game plan. Everyone else had a shot opportunity aside from him.
All in all, it was a great season that we will strive to repeat year after year! Anytime we can book 28 guys and harvest 7 bucks over 155'', 2 of which being booners, and having 2 more bucks over 150'' passed on, and a 160+ hit but not found and the rest of the bucks all aside from 2 being very nice and respectable 140+'' bucks...that makes for a great season with a lot of happy hunters! I would also like to thank our hunters for making the good decisions, and good shot placements because without that, we wouldn't look good at all! So let's bring on the 2019 deer season as we are already pumping out protein and minerals and waiting for the antlers to grow!
-Brett Carden

New Website!
We just launched our new website! We will be continually adding more to our website. In the mean time, contact us today for more info. Call us at: 850-512-7768.